Using Ruby's ternary operator ? : to shorten this


I wonder if there’s a way to tighten this up:

def find_by_recordtype
  e = EvLk.find_by_sql(<SQL QUERY>)
  return (e.size > 0 ? e : nil)   

I could do something like below but, prefer not to query twice.

  return ( EvLk.find_by_sql().size > 0 ? EvLk.find_by_sql() : nil)
mu is too short

You're using find_by_sql so presumably you're in Rails or have ActiveSupport available. In that case, you can use presence:


Returns the receiver if it's present otherwise returns nil. object.presence is equivalent to

object.present? ? object : nil

So you could do this:

def find_by_recordtype
  EvLk.find_by_sql(<SQL QUERY>).presence

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