Ruby ternary operator not returning as expected


I have following code

@services = []
@services << true).blank? ? true) : true).first

Instead of returning service object I get true or false in the array. Why is that?

Eric Duminil

As you can see in this precedence table, << is higher than ?, so your code is parsed as :

(@services << true).blank?) ? true) : true).first

You could write :

@services = []
@services << ( true).blank? ? true) : true).first)

But it's not very readable, and you call where twice.

active_services = true)
service = if active_services.blank?
@services = [service]

Update From @mudasobwa's excellent comment :

@services = [ true).first || true)]

Update From @Stefan, it looks like your code is equivalent to :

@services = [ true)]

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