Understanding PHP's ternary operator


I understand whiles, ifs, fors, cases, arrays, functions, and other syntactic constructs and my coding experience is 70’s style Fortran and T-SQL.

Now I’m trying to understand PHP, but it occasionally seems to compress several statements into one obfuscating line of code. What’s the expanded equivalent of the following single line of PHP below?

$start = gt("start") === false ? 0 : intval(gt("start"));
Amal Murali

It is a ternary operator. They're usually of the following format:

expr1 ? expr2 : expr3;

Which means:

if expr1 then return expr2 otherwise return expr3

It can be visualized as follows:

Your code can be rewritten as:

if (gt("start") === false) {
    $start = 0;
} else {
    $start = intval(gt("start"));

It can improved as follows, to avoid an extra function call:

if (($result = gt("start")) === false) {
    $start = 0;
} else {
    $start = intval($result);

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