How to display same property from different objects in Javascript


I am doing a project which uses The Movie Db API and I am bit confused with displaying following object:

(3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]
0: {id: 12, name: "Adventure"}
1: {id: 28, name: "Action"}
2: {id: 878, name: "Science Fiction"}
length: 3
__proto__: Array(0)

Basically, I am trying to figure out how to display those 3 genres in one element. Doing forEach loop like this :

const genreArr = data.genres;
    genre.textContent =;

displays only one name of genre rather than all of them. So, what do I have to do to display all of those in one paragraph?


This line genre.textContent =; will overwrite the textContent every iteration of forEach leaving only the last value.

You need append to textContent using +=.

const genreArr = [
  {id: 12, name: "Adventure"},
  {id: 28, name: "Action"},
  {id: 878, name: "Science Fiction"}

const genre = document.getElementById('genre');

    genre.textContent += + ' | ';
<div id="genre">


An alternate, more efficient method using map() and join():

const genreArr = [
  {id: 12, name: "Adventure"},
  {id: 28, name: "Action"},
  {id: 878, name: "Science Fiction"}

const genre = document.getElementById('genre');

/* Create an array containing only the 'name' values */
var genreNames = {
  return item['name'];

/* Assign the names to the div in one go, with a seperator */
genre.textContent = genreNames.join(' | ');
<div id="genre"></div>

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