How to get clicked element from multiple element with the same name different index index of array

Do Thanh Dat

I have a problem that. I have list of select option with same name but different index. I don't know how to detect element when I click into one of them. Example:

<select name='contract_sides[0][joint_venture]'>
<select name='contract_sides[0][company_id]'>

<select name='contract_sides[1][joint_venture]'>
<select name='contract_sides[1][company_id]'>
<select name='contract_sides[n][joint_venture]'>
<select name='contract_sides[n][company_id]'>

When I change value one of them. I will show/hide <select name="contract_sides[index]company_id"></select> below. Thank you so much for your help. Sorry for my english ! P/s: The problem is simpler if we use the class but the problem is that we can only use the name.

Solution from Light:

$('select[name*="joint_venture"]').on('change', function () {    
  let name = $(this).attr('name');
  let index = name.match(/\[([0-9]*)\]/)[1];

  // Hide the company id
$('select[name*="contract_sides"]').on('click', function () {
    // Your clicked element is now $(this)    
    let $this = $(this);

    // Name of the clicked element
    let name = $this.attr('name');

    // Index of the clicked element
    let index = name.match(/\[([0-9]*)\]/)[1];

Following your comment to another answer, I understand more what you were looking for, and I believe this should behave how you want

$('select[name*="joint_venture"]').on('change', function () {    
  let name = $(this).attr('name');
  let index = name.match(/\[([0-9]*)\]/)[1];

  // Hide the company id

이 기사는 인터넷에서 수집됩니다. 재 인쇄 할 때 출처를 알려주십시오.

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