How to choose a random Value from Assoc array then display the key and value

Taylor Cawiezell

Hello I am trying to display a random value key pair separately in a string. I want the value and key to remain together.

charAT = {
         'Flamethrower' : Math.floor(Math.random()*(15-5+1)+5),
         'Headbut' : Math.floor(Math.random()*(5-3+1)+3),
         'Fireblast' : Math.floor(Math.random()*(25-10+1)+10),
         'Tailwhip': 0

Want this but for assoc array

rand = charAT[Math.floor(Math.random() * charAT.length)];

Example Code Wanted

alert('charizard used '+ rand:key + 'and did ' + rand:value + ' damage!')

Wanted Output

charizard used flamethrower and did 12 damage!

Thanks in advance!


You can use Object.keys() to get a array filled with the object property names. So, applying a random index on that array, you can get a random property name, then you can use it to get the random property value desired.

 var charAT = {
     'Flamethrower' : Math.floor(Math.random()*(15-5+1)+5),
     'Headbut' : Math.floor(Math.random()*(5-3+1)+3),
     'Fireblast' : Math.floor(Math.random()*(25-10+1)+10),
     'Tailwhip': 0

 var ix = Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.keys(charAT).length);
 var rand = Object.keys(charAT)[ix];
 alert(rand + ":" + charAT[rand]);

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