Want to retrieve values not other details from array object in rally

Sonalkumar sute

Want to retrieve below values from array object not other details, but getting whole data like events, listeners, etc.

2014-10-01: 02014-10-02: 02014-10-06: 42014-10-08: 50.2857142857142852014-10-09: 42014-10-10: 32014-10-13: 32014-10-14: 2.52014-10-15: 52014-10-16: 02014-10-20: 32014-10-21: 12014-10-27: 32014-10-28: 6.7777777777777782014-10-29: 12014-10-31: 0.66666666666666662014-11-03: 42014-11-04: 19.252014-11-05: 33.62014-11-06: 12014-11-07: 32014-11-10: 32014-11-11: 3.6666666666666665

enter image description here

Below is my some of the code which generate this object, any help on this please..

                var daysOfMonth = new Ext.util.HashMap();
                //console.log("startdate", this.startDate);
                //console.log("enddate", this.endDate);
                start = new Date(this.startDate);
                end = new Date(this.endDate);
                for (start; start <= end; start.setDate(start.getDate() + 1)) {
                    daysOfMonth.add(new Date(start), null);
                //daysOfMonth = Ext.Array.flatten(daysOfMonth);
                console.log("days of month", daysOfMonth);

                var userstory_cycle_times_by_date = this._getCycleTimes(userstory_snaps_by_date);
                var storydaysOfMonth = Ext.Object.merge(daysOfMonth, userstory_cycle_times_by_date);

                //console.log("days of month", daysOfMonth);
                var defect_cycle_times_by_date = this._getCycleTimes(defect_snaps_by_date);
                var defectdaysOfMonth = Ext.Object.merge(daysOfMonth, defect_cycle_times_by_date);
Kyle Morse

You can get an object of all the key/value pairs like so:

_.reduce(daysOfMonth.getKeys(), function(result, key) { 
    result[key] = daysOfMonth.get(key); 
    return result; 
}, {});

I'm curious why you're using a HashMap to begin with rather than just a regular plain old javascript object literal?

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