Programmatically replace values' presentation in PHP array

Andres SK

I have these volume variable names. Before presenting them to the users, they need to be "retouched".

$unit[] = 'cm3';
$unit[] = 'barrel_petrolium';
$unit[] = 'register_tons';
$unit[] = 'ocean_tons';
$unit[] = 'gal_us';
$unit[] = 'gal_uk';
  1. 3 needs to be converted to ³
  2. _ needs to be converted to one space
  3. when there is a _xx at the end, it needs to be converted to (XX)

I have no problems for the first 2 rules. How can I also apply the 3rd rule?

# replacements
$search  = array('3', '_');
$replace = array('³', ' ');

# units
$temp = str_replace($search, $replace, $unit); //1st and 2nd rules

$formatted[] = $temp;

The result would be:

barrel petrolium
register tons
ocean tons
gal us
gal uk

It should be:

barrel petrolium
register tons
ocean tons
gal (US)
gal (UK)

Any ideas? Thanks!

Casimir et Hippolyte

You can use preg_replace_callback:

$unit[] = 'cm3';
$unit[] = 'barrel_petrolium';
$unit[] = 'register_tons';
$unit[] = 'ocean_tons';
$unit[] = 'gal_us';
$unit[] = 'gal_uk';

$result = array_map(function ($item) {
  $item = preg_replace_callback('~_\K[a-z]{2}\z~', function ($m) {
    return '(' . strtoupper($m[0]) . ')';
  }, $item);
  return strtr($item, array('3' => '³', '_' => ' '));
}, $unit);


pattern details:

~          # pattern delimiter
_          # literal _
\K         # keep out all on the left (the underscore here)
[a-z]{2}   # two lowercase letters
\z         # anchor for the end of the string
~          # delimiter

With the \K feature, only the two letters at the end will be replaced. The replacement of the underscore is the job of strtr() (a character translation function and more)

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