Turn a vector's indexes into its content and vice-versa


I'm looking an efficient way to turn the vector:


into a vector of vectors such that:


In general:

newVector[i] = indexes of the initial vector that contained i

Preferably in Matlab/Octave but I'm just curious if there is an efficient way of achieving this.

I tried looking it up on google and stack but I have no idea what to call this 'operation' so nothing came up.


There is an easy way to do it using accumarray

A = [1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,1]

But next time, please show your own attempt in your question

Alternatively (but only if A starts from 1 and doesn't skip any numbers)

accumarray(A', (1:size(A,2))', [], @(x){sort(x)})

Collected from the Internet

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