Ruby: Convert dollar (String) to cents (Integer)


How do I convert a string with a dollar amount such as "5.32" or "100" to an integer amount in cents such as 532 or 10000?

I have a solution below:

dollar_amount_string = "5.32"
dollar_amount_bigdecimal =
cents_amount_bigdecimal = dollar_amount_bigdecimal *
cents_amount_int = cents_amount_bigdecimal.to_i

but it seems wonky. I want to be sure because this will be an input to the PayPal API.

I've also tried the money gem, but it wasn't able to take strings as inputs.

Cary Swoveland

You can use String#to_r ("to rational") to avoid round-off error.

def dollars_to_cents(dollars)
  (100 * dollars.to_r).to_i

  #=> 1200 
  #=> 1025 
  #=> -1025 
  #=> 0

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