Best way to handle a keyerror in a dict

Mukund Gandlur

I would like to know the best way to handle a keyerror, when I try to get a value from a dict.

I need this because my dict holds the counts of some events. And whenever an event occurs I take the count from the dict and increment it and put it back.

I found some solutions online, but they were for some other languages. Any help is appreciated.

I am handling the keyerror exception now. Would like to know the best approach to handle a keyerror in a dictionary.

Note: This is not about counting items in a list but about handling exception when retrieving a value(that does not exist) from a dict.

Muhammad Tahir

You can use dict.get if you want to use dict

mydict[key] = mydict.get(key, 0) + 1

Or you can handle KeyError

    mydict[key] += 1
except KeyError:
    mydict[key] = 1

Or you can use defaultdict

from collections import defaultdict
mydict = defaultdict(int)
mydict[key] += 1

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