Unexpected code bundle "Alcatraz.xcplugin"


I came to know about Alcatraz from Apress book "Troubleshooting Xcode". I'm getting the following warning upon xcode launch after installing Alcatraz.

The “Alcatraz.xcplugin” code bundle is not provided by Apple. Loading code not provided by Apple can have a negative effect on the safety and stability of Xcode or related tools.

enter image description here

I've searched for Alcatraz here and many developers seem using it. Just wanted to know whether it's worth using with this warning message?

vien vu

It is just warning from Apple. No problem with it. If you using Alcatraz you can install alot of plugin very userfull. You can reference to:

Xcode Plugins

Xcode Plusgins NSHipster

You can try it.

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