Laravel 5 Validation - validating the sum of 2 fields


I'm using Laravel 5's Form Request Validation feature to validate a form input.

In my form, I have 2 fields num_adults and num_children.

I need to ensure that the sum of both fields do not exceed a certain value.

What I've tried is in the rules() function of my validation file, I used merge() to artificially add a new input value that is the sum of both num_adults and num_children.

    'max_persons' => $this->input('num_adults') + $this->input('num_children') 

And then in the rules array returned,

$rules = [
    'num_adults' => 'integer|max:2',
    'num_children' => 'integer|max:1',
    'max_persons' => 'integer|max:2',

The validation works fine for num_adults and num_children. But max_persons seems to be ignored.

Zoe Blair

I might skip the array merge and have my rules like:

$rules = [
    'num_adults' => 'integer|max:'.(2-$this->get('num_children', 0)) ,
    'num_children' => 'integer|max:'.(2-$this->get('num_adults', 0))

2 being the maximum permitted value.

On the other hand, the approach that you've started gives you a little more flexibility on the error messages.

The validator already has the values before you update the array, so it doesn't know about your addition. You could add a validator method to your request object to merge in your values a little earlier in the process.

public function validator(Factory $factory)
        'max_persons' => $this->input('num_adults') + $this->input('num_children') 

    return $factory->make(

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