Comparing Python Decimals created from float and string


Can someone explain why the following three examples are not all equal?

ipdb> Decimal(71.60) == Decimal(71.60)
ipdb> Decimal('71.60') == Decimal('71.60')
ipdb> Decimal(71.60) == Decimal('71.60')

Is there a general 'correct' way to create Decimal objects in Python? (ie, as strings or as floats)


Floating point numbers, what are used by default, are in base 2. 71.6 can't be accurately represented in base 2. (Think of numbers like 1/3 in base 10).

Because of this, they will be converted to be as many decimal places as the floating point can represent. Because the number 71.6 in base 2 would go on forever and you almost certainly don't have infinate memory to play with, the computer decides to represent it (well, is told to) in a fewer number of bits.

If you were to use a string instead, the program can use an algorithm to convert it exactly instead of starting from the dodgy rounded floating point number.

>>> decimal.Decimal(71.6)

Compared to

>>> decimal.Decimal("71.6")

However, if your number is representable exactly as a float, it is just as accurate as a string

>>> decimal.Decimal(71.5)

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