Get elements of a matrix that are greater than sum of their two indices in row major order

alisha ali

I'm Writing a function called large_elements that takes input an array named X that is a matrix or a vector. The function identifies those elements of X that are greater than the sum of their two indexes.

For example, if the element X(2,3) is 6, then that element would be identified because 6 > (2 + 3). The output of the function gives the indexes(row and column sub) of such elements found in row-major order. It is a matrix with exactly two columns. The first column contains the row indexes, while the second column contains the corresponding column indexes.

Here is an example, the statement

indexes = large_elements([1 4; 5 2; 6 0]) 

should give the output like this:

[1 2; 2 1; 3 1]

If no such element exists, the function returns an empty array.

I have came up with the following code

function indexes = large_elements(A)
    [r c] = size(A);
    ind = 1;
    for ii = 1:r
        for jj = 1:c
            if A(ii,jj) > ii + jj
                indexes(ind,:) = [ii jj];
                ind = ind + 1;
                indexes = [];

But the results are not as expected. Any help would be appreciated.

Santhan Salai

One vectorised approch using bsxfun, find and ind2sub

A = randi(8,5);    %// Your matrix

%// finding sum of the indexes for all elements
indSum = bsxfun(@plus, (1:size(A,1)).', 1:size(A,2));

%// generating a mask of which elements satisfies the given condition (i.e A > indSum)
%// Transposing the mask and finding corresponding indexes
[c,r] = find(bsxfun(@gt, A, indSum).') ;

%// getting the matrix by appending row subs and col subs
out = [r,c]


Input A:

>> A

A =

 4     4     7     2     2
 1     3     4     8     3
 8     8     2     8     7
 8     3     4     5     1
 4     1     1     1     1

Output in row-major order:

out =

 1     1
 1     2
 1     3
 2     4
 3     1
 3     2
 3     4
 4     1

Note: Getting subs in row-major order is tricky here

Also here is your correct loopy approach

[r, c] = size(A);
ind = 0;
indexes = [];
for ii = 1:r
    for jj = 1:c
        if A(ii,jj) > ii + jj
            ind = ind + 1;
            indexes(ind,:) = [ii jj];              

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