Why is my jasmine unit test not waiting for 'done'?


I have the test in my node application...

it('will call done', function(done) {


and the code....

myObj.fn = function(success){

When I run the test I get this in the output...

-MacBook-Pro:torus-pqdata user$ npm test

> [email protected] test /Stuff/code bases/2015/torus-pqdata
> jasmine-node specs/

However as you can see the unit test just exits without failing but I need it to timeout (I am trying to simulate something hanging). How do I get it to timeout?


Swap the arguments in setTimeout:

myObj.fn = function(success){
    setTimeout(success, 200000000);

Here's some reference from MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowTimers/setTimeout

Collected from the Internet

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