validating SOAP-Request with a SOAPHandler


I'm trying to validate a SOAP-Request against the Schemas defined in the WSDL. I'm using a SOAPHandler with a SOAP-Handler-Chain. It works the only problem is that when I'm validating the request, I get this error message:

cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'v1:latitude'. One of '{"":latitude}' is expected.

The WSDL looks like this:

<wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl=""
    <xsi:schema xmlns:xsi="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
        <xsi:import namespace="" schemaLocation="common.xsd"/>
        <xsi:import namespace="" schemaLocation="exception.xsd"/>
        <xsi:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
        <xsi:element name="GetAreaFuelStationsRequest">
                    <xsi:element name="area" type="model:Area"/>
                <xsi:attribute name="provider" type="xsi:string" use="optional"/>
                <xsi:attribute name="prices" type="xsi:boolean" use="required"/>

The XSD:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsi:schema xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:model="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xsi:complexType name="FuelStation">
    <xsi:complexType name="Area">
            <xsi:element name="center" type="model:GeoLocation"/>
            <xsi:element name="radius" type="xsi:float"/>
    <xsi:complexType name="GeoLocation">
            <xsi:element name="latitude" type="xsi:double"/>
            <xsi:element name="longitude" type="xsi:double"/>
        <xsi:attribute name="ellipsoid" type="xsi:string" use="required"/>

The source code fragment:

    try {
        schemas = getSchemas(new URL(wsdlURI.toString().concat(wsdl)));
        schema = factory.newSchema(schemas);
        validator = schema.newValidator();
        validator.validate(new DOMSource(xml));

A request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:mod="">
      <v1:GetAreaFuelStationsRequest provider="ep1" prices="true">
            <mod:center ellipsoid="false">

Can anybody see what is wrong here? I have set


but it did not work.


What I did to get it working:

  1. I imported into the wsdl the soap/envelope schema
  2. I got the request body element and created a document from it as the document root
  3. I added to the body-element the soap/envelope namespace

Collected from the Internet

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