Dokku start Mongo after reboot


I've been playing around with Dokku on a server and using it to deploy MEAN apps. I really like it, but my one concern is that after a server reboot (or crash), Dokku doesn't restart the Mongo service. I manually have to go in and dokku mongodb:start and then dokku MYAPP deploy to get it to reconnect. Otherwise I get a bad gateway error.

Thanks for any tips! I'm pretty new to all of this.


This is a bug in the dokku-mongodb plugin. Dokku itself uses an Upstart script to start on boot. It is installed to /etc/init/dokku-redeploy.conf and looks like this:

description "Dokku app redeploy service"
start on filesystem and started docker
  sleep 2 # give docker some time
  sudo -i -u dokku /usr/local/bin/dokku ps:restartall
end script

I'd suggest using something similar, perhaps:

description "Dokku MongoDB plugin redeploy service"

start on started dokku-redeploy
stop on runlevel [!12345]

setuid dokku
setgid dokku

exec /usr/local/bin/dokku mongodb:start
pre-stop exec /usr/local/bin/dokku mongodb:stop

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