What's the most efficient way to find if a mac address is in range?


I have a large range of number of strings that are mac addresses. If they're in a certain range, I want to be able to go to a certain case statement.

For example, "78:A1:83:24:00:00 to 78:A1:83:24:0F:FF"

I have my code going so that it removes the last two hex and selects off that such as below:

 'remove last three characters
    mac = mac.TrimEnd()
    mac = mac.Substring(0, mac.Length - 3)

    Select Case mac

       Case "78:A1:83:40:00", "78:A1:83:40:01", "78:A1:83:40:02", "78:A1:83:40:03", _
             "78:A1:83:40:04", "78:A1:83:40:05", "78:A1:83:40:06", "78:A1:83:40:07", _
            "78:A1:83:40:08", "78:A1:83:40:09", "78:A1:83:40:0A", "78:A1:83:40:0B"
             ' it continues
            Return "VP-1"

But this just looks like I'm wasting space. What's a better way to this?


A MAC address is nothing more than a number represented by 6 bytes written in hexdecimal form.
So, converting the lower and upper limit of the MAC address could give you a manageable range of values to check with a single IF

Sub Main
    Dim lowRange = "78:A1:83:24:40:00"
    Dim upRange = "78:A1:83:24:40:FF"

    Dim startVal = GetValue(lowRange)
    Dim endVal = GetValue(upRange)
    Console.WriteLine(startVal)   ' 132635085258752
    Console.WriteLine(endVal)     ' 132635085259007

    Dim macToCheck = "78:A1:83:24:40:B0"
    Dim checkVal = GetValue(macToCheck)
    Console.WriteLine(checkVal)   ' 132635085258928

    if checkVal >= startVal AndAlso checkVal <= endVal Then
        ' VP-1
        Console.WriteLine("In range")
    End If

End SUb

Function GetValue(mac as String ) as Long
    Dim clearText = mac.Replace(":", "")
    Dim result
    Long.TryParse(clearText, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, result)
    return result
End Function

Now, as an example to avoid a long list of IF you could use a Dictionary filled with your ranges and then apply a simple For Each logic to find your ranges

Sub Main
    Dim dc as New Dictionary(Of String, MacRange)()
    dc.Add("VP-1", new MacRange() with 
        .Lower = "78:A1:83:24:40:00", 
        .Upper = "78:A1:83:24:40:FF" 

    dc.Add("VP-2", new MacRange() with 
        .Lower = "78:A1:83:24:41:00", 
        .Upper = "78:A1:83:24:41:FF" 

    dc.Add("VP-3", new MacRange() with 
        .Lower = "78:A1:83:24:42:00", 
        .Upper = "78:A1:83:24:42:FF" 

    Dim result = ""
    Dim macToCheck = "78:A1:83:24:42:B0"
    Dim checkVal = GetValue(macToCheck)
    'For Each k in dc
    '    Dim lower = GetValue(k.Value.Lower)
    '    Dim upper = GetValue(k.Value.Upper)
    '    if checkVal >= lower AndAlso checkVal <= upper Then
    '        result = k.Key
    '        Exit For
    '    End If
    'Console.WriteLine(result)   ' VP-3

    ' The loop above could be replaced by this LINQ expression 
    Dim m = dc.FirstOrDefault(Function(x) checkVal >= GetValue(x.Value.Lower) AndAlso _
                                          checkVal <= GetValue(x.Value.Upper))
    If m IsNot Nothing Then
         Console.WriteLine(m.Key)  ' VP-3
         Console.WriteLine("Range not found")
    End If

End Sub

Class MacRange
    Public Lower as String
    Public Upper as String
End Class

Function GetValue(mac as String ) as Long
    Dim clearText = mac.Replace(":", "")
    Dim result
    Long.TryParse(clearText, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, result)
    return result
End Function

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