How to grab URL from string with specified alt tags

Chris L

I would like to extract "" from the string below where alt is set to "thumbnail", and avoid grabbing :

<span>Some information here
    <img src="" width="15" height="15" alt="emoticon"> 
    <img src="" alt="thumbnail"> 

What is the easiest way to do that?


With all the warnings about parsing html with regex, this C# regex will match the url you want:


See demo.

To test it in C#:

var myRegex = new Regex("(?<=src=\")[^\"]+(?=\"[^\">]*?alt=\"thumbnail\")");
string resultString = myRegex.Match(s1).Value;



  • The lookbehind (?<=src=") asserts that what precedes is src="
  • [^"]+ matches all chars that are not a " (that's what we want)
  • The lookahead (?="[^">]*?alt="thumbnail")asserts that what follows is a quote, and any chars that are not a quote or a > followed by `alt="thumbnail"


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