finding point on a line which is equidistant from 2 other points


I know I probably should have asked this question in math.stackexchange but answers there are mostly "pen-paper" type. I need an efficient approach to implement and that is why I am asking here.

Q: Given 2 points A & B and a line L. Points and line are 3D. How to find a point on the given line L which is equidistant from the given points A & B?

The approach I followed is:

  • finding plane, P, perpendicular to line AB and passing through the center of A & B.

  • point of intersection of P and L would be the answer.

I am working on large data-set (a 3d image) and doing the above calculations involves large no. of multiplications and divisions (on total).

So is there a better way of doing it.

A working code would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.


TL;DR. The solution is at the bottom.

Alright, so let's say these are our parameters:

x0 and x1, that describe the line.

a and b, the two points.


x0 = [x0, y0, z0]

x1 = [x1, y1, z1]

a = [xa, ya, za]

b = [xb, yb, zb]

δ = [δx, δy, δz] = (x1 - x0)

Then our description of the line can be seen as a parametric function:

l(λ) = x0 + λ*(x1 - x0)

So we are trying to find a value for λ that satisfies the following equation:

(l(λ) - a)2 = (l(λ) - b)2

(Here I'm cheating with notation a bit, so x2 = x.x)

So expanding everything we get:

(λx1 + (1 - λ)x0 - xa)2 +

(λy1 + (1 - λ)y0 - ya)2 +

(λz1 + (1 - λ)z0 - za)2 =

(λx1 + (1 - λ)x0 - xb)2 +

(λy1 + (1 - λ)y0 - yb)2 +

(λz1 + (1 - λ)z0 - zb)2

Simplifying, we get:

(λδx + x0 - xa)2 +

(λδy + y0 - ya)2 +

(λδz + z0 - za)2 =

(λδx + x0 - xb)2 +

(λδy + y0 - yb)2 +

(λδz + z0 - zb)2

Expanding the brackets and cancelling, we get:

-2δxxaλ + (x0 - xa)2 +

-2δyyaλ + (y0 - ya)2 +

-2δzzaλ + (z0 - za)2 =

-2δxxbλ + (x0 - xb)2 +

-2δyybλ + (y0 - yb)2 +

-2δzzbλ + (z0 - zb)2

Which we can simplify further into some nice neat vector operations:

δ.(xb - xa) = (x0 - xb)2 - (x0 - xa)2

Which is pretty simple to rearrange to get a linear equation in λ with one unique solution.

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