Using 'apply' in Pandas (externally defined function)


I have a Dataframe, table, that looks like this:

year name     prop     sex  soundex
1880 John     0.081541 boy  J500
1880 William  0.080511 boy  W450
2008 Elianna  0.000127 girl E450

I'm trying to group table by 'year', and access select indices from the column 'name' for each group.

My code is as follows (pretend that special_indices is already defined):

def get_indices_func(x):
    name = [x['name'].iloc[y] for y in special_indices]
    return pd.Series(name)


I got the following error:

/Users/***/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/index.pyc in get_value(self, series, key)
    722         """
    723         try:
--> 724             return self._engine.get_value(series, key)
    725         except KeyError, e1:
    726             if len(self) > 0 and self.inferred_type == 'integer':

KeyError: 1000 

What am I doing wrong? I think I'm not really understanding how apply (and its cousins, aggregate and agg) works. If someone could explain, I'd be ever so grateful!


An alternative solution:

df.groupby('year').apply(lambda x: x.sort('prop', ascending=False).iloc[0]['name'])

What is happening here?

First, as with Woody, we group by the correct column. apply() will deliver group-level data to that function. Instead, for understanding purposes, I could had written

define takeAGroupAndGiveBackMax(group):
    # year level data: first sort it by prop, descending
    group.sort('prop', ascending=False, inplace=True)
    # now return value 'name' of the first entry
    return group.iloc[0]['name']

# the following will give you a data set, indexed on whatever you grouped it by (here: year), and have a columns all the properties you return.    

In order to understand these, you should play around with the function. Try returning multiple columns, multiple rows, and you will see what apply() returns to you. It is really a powerful tool that pandas gives you here.

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