Best way to extract data from string


I have a string:

__cfduid=d2eec71493b48565be764ad44a52a7b191399561601015; expires=Mon, 23-Dec-2019 23:50:00 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly

I want to use regex and get something like this:

[0] = __cfduid=d2eec71493b48565be764ad44a52a7b191399561601015
[1] = expires=Mon, 23-Dec-2019 23:50:00 GMT
[2] = path=/
[3] =
[4] = HttpOnly

I tried this regex:


I don't understand why \A. works but [\A] not, how can I create (\A or ;)?

In final form of this regex I want to get from string this:

[0] = {
    [0] = __cfduid
    [1] = d2eec71493b48565be764ad44a52a7b191399561601015
[1] = {
    [0] = expires
    [1] = Mon, 23-Dec-2019 23:50:00 GMT
[2] = {
    [0] = path
    [1] = /
[3] = {
    [0] = domain
    [1] =
[4] = {
    [0] = HttpOnly

You can try matching on this regex:



\s*         # Match any spaces
([^=;]+)    # Match any non = or ; characters
  =         # Match an = sign
  ([^=;]+)  # Match any non = or ; characters.
)?          # Make this group optional

regex101 demo

In code:

string text = "__cfduid=d2eec71493b48565be764ad44a52a7b191399561601015; expires=Mon, 23-Dec-2019 23:50:00 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly";

var regex = new Regex(@"\s*([^=;]+)(?:=([^=;]+))?");
var matches = regex.Matches(text);
foreach (Match match in matches)
    Console.WriteLine(match.Groups[1].Value + "\n" + match.Groups[2].Value + "\n");

ideone demo

\A works but [\A] does not because when you put \A in a character class, it loses its meaning like most regex metacharacters. For instance, + and * also lose their meaning. In [\A], the regex is actually trying to match \A and since it doesn't have a particular meaning in a character class, it means a literal A.

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