calling a soap service from C#


I have working PHP code which calls a SOAP service and it works. Its as follows:

    $client = new SoapClient(null, array(
        'location' => "",
        'uri' => "",
        'login' => "Admin",
        'password'=> "XXXXX"));


    for($i=0;$i<count($properties);$i++) {
        printf ("name: %s, value: %s\n" , $properties[$i]->name, $properties[$i]->value);
catch (Exception $e)
    print_r($e); exit;

I need to access the same service from C#. I have tried adding Service Reference to and this added the following section in my app.config.

            <binding name="EveryWanDeviceSoapBinding" />
        <endpoint address=""
            binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="EveryWanDeviceSoapBinding"
            contract="ServiceReference1.DeviceService" name="EveryWanDevice" />

I am now provided with the proxy classes but I dont know how to set them up so I could call this service.

I am doing it as follows in C#:

DeviceService srv = new DeviceServiceClient();//
srv.authenticateUser(new authenticateUserRequest("Admin", "XXXXXX"));

var devices = srv.getDeviceProperties(new getDevicePropertiesRequest("99000067296308", null));

But the srv.authenticateUser line throws the following exception:

RPC Message getDeploymentHistoRequest1 in operation getDeploymentHisto1 has an invalid body name getDeploymentHisto. It must be getDeploymentHisto1

I have no idea what does this error mean. Can anybody help?


This is due to using a WCF reference versus a standard service reference.

Take a look at WCF: Svcutil generates invalid client proxy, Apache AXIS Web Service, overload operations for further discussion.

In short, use Add Web Reference on the Advanced page of Add Service Reference:

Add Web Reference

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