How to check that all elements of one array are greater than their counterparts in a parallel array (in Ruby).


I am trying to compare two arrays to ensure that the corresponding values of one is always greater than the other.

a = [2, 3, 4]
b = [1, 2, 3]

# a[0] > b[0] ... a[x] > b[x]

At this point I am thinking of using inject with an index and return if the comparison fails, like:

b.each_with_index.inject(true) do |cmp, (element,index)|
  if element > a[index] do
    cmp = false

Is there a better way of doing this? Kinda feeling like Ruby or Rails might already have something like this built-in and I missed it.

Michael Kohl

This is what I would do: { |a, b| a > b }

Note though that zip will truncate in case the two arrays are not of the same size.

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