Finding files within date range suffix


I have list of log files which names has date suffix:


I have a start and end date, for example 2014-02-01 -> 2014-02-04. Using bash on linux script I want to find files with name matching date range. So I want to get files:


I can not depend on

find /path -type f -newer $startFile -not -newer $endFile mylog*gz

because mylog.2014-02-01 can be modified on 2014-02-01 23:59 or 2014-02-02 00:01



START_DATE=$(date -d '2014-02-01 01' '+%s')
END_DATE=$(date -d '2014-02-04 01' '+%s')
for i in mylog.*.gz; do
    d=$(date -d "${fname[1]} 01" '+%s')
    if (($d > $START_DATE && $d < $END_DATE)); then
        echo "Found file: $i"

Thanks to @kojiro for the IFS and glob ideas.

Collected from the Internet

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