Speeding up associations in model specs with FactoryGirl - create vs build vs build_stubbed


Say I have models User and Post, a user has_many posts and a post belongs_to a user.

When I write a spec for Post, my first instinct is to write something like this:

before do
  @user = FactoryGirl.create :user
  @post = @user.posts.new(title: "Foo", content: "bar)

... tests for @post go here ...

But this is going to create a new User - hitting the database - for every single test, which is going to slow things down. Is there a better way to do this that will speed my tests up and avoid hitting the DB so often?

As I understand it, I can't use FactoryGirl.build :user because, even though it won't hit the DB, the associations won't work properly because @user won't have an ID and so @post.user won't work (it returns nil.)

I could use FactoryGirl.build_stubbed :user which created a "fake persisted" @user which does have an ID, but @post.user still returns nil. Does build_stubbed have any practical advantage over build when I'm testing things related to associations?

I suppose I could use build_stubbed stub @post.user so it returns @user... is there any reason this might be a bad idea?

Or should I just use create and accept the speed hit?

The only other alternative I can think of would be to set up @user in a before(:all) block which seems like a bad idea.

What's the best way to write these kind of tests in a clean, concise way that avoids making too many DB queries?


If you don't want your tests to be hitting the database, this is what you would have to do.

before do
  @user = FactoryGirl.build_stubbed :user
  @post = FactoryGirl.build_stubbed :post

Note: Be careful when using before(:all). It doesn't get executed in a transaction. So whatever you create in before(:all) will get left behind in the database and might cause conflict with other tests

About FactoryGirl.build, it builds the object, but creates the associations.

For eg:

factory :user do
  association posts

FactoryGirl.build(:user) #this creates posts in the database even though you are only building the parent object(user)

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