Ninject Transient Scope with Dispose


I have a console app that uses kernel.Get<SomeClass>(); However, SomeClass has a dependency on SomeDisposableClass. How can I set up my binding to dispose of SomeDisposableClass when SomeClass is garbage collected? My MVC app uses InRequestScope and that works great, but there doesn't seem to be an analogous scope for console apps.

Example here:

public class SomeClass {
    public SomeClass(SomeDisposableClass c) {
        this.C = c;

    private SomeDisposableClass C { get; set; }

    // ... Business Methods ... //

My module


My console app

public static void Main() {

public static void SomeFunc() {
    ISomeClass someClass = kernel.Get<ISomeClass>();
    // work

I'd like for SomeDisposableClass to be disposed when SomeFunc is finished (or when the garbage collector is called). But I'm not sure of which binding scope to use. InTransientScope doesn't ever call dispose. Do I just have to make SomeClass disposable and implement Dispose() and wrap all my usages in the console app with a using statement?


In Ninject2, you can do this by:

Bind<IService>().To<ServiceImpl>().InScope(ctx => ...);

For example, the callback used for InRequestScope() is:

ctx => HttpContext.Current

Since HttpContext.Current is set to a new instance of HttpContext on each web request, only a single instance of the service will be activated for each request, and when the request ends and the HttpContext is (eventually) collected, the instances will be deactivated.

You can have a static variable within your console to reference an object that will control lifetime.

public static object LifetimeController = new object();

You can register this as your lifetime control object

Bind<IService>().To<ServiceImpl>().InScope(ctx => LifetimeController);

And each time you want to refresh the objects you can have a method like this

public static void StartNewLifetime()
    LifetimeController = new object();

See here and here for more information

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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