ng-click stops working after the first use of $compile when using nested directives

Scott Sword

I have an Angular modal directive that uses a helper/wrapper directive. This way I can always use the same wrapper and just load a different template where needed for different modal content.

PROBLEM: This snippet works, but only for the first life cycle of the modal. So I can fire the modal, close the modal and fire it again. But once the modal is open the second time none of the ng-click directives work. Any tips would be just super.


<button my-modal="views/login.html">Launch Login-specific Modal</button>

Directive Module (app.js)


.directive('modalWrapper', function(){
  return {
    replace: true,
    templateUrl: 'views/modal.html',
    controller: function($scope, $element){
      $scope.close = function(){
      // NOTE: I use this array to showcase that ng-repeat still works the second time although ng-click stops functioning properly.
      $scope.others = ["One", "Two", "Three"];

.directive('myModal', function( $compile){

      function link(scope, element, attr){

      scope.partial = attr.myModal; // NOTE: Loads sub template via ng-include

      var ngModal = $compile('<div modal-wrapper></div>')(scope);

      element.on('click', function(){

      scope.yo = function(){
        alert("Yo from inside template.");


    return {
      link: link,
      scope: {}



<div class="my-modal">
    <p>Modal Wrapper</p>
    <div ng-include="partial"></div>
  <button ng-click="close()">Close</button>
  <p>This just proves that other directives still work (ng-repeat), but ng-click does not.</p>
  <div ng-repeat="stuff in others">


<h1>Well hey there, I'm the login template.</h1>
<button ng-click="yo()">Say Yo</button>

I think the problem is that you are destroying the scope on which the ng-click is compiled.

When scope.close() is called, an $element.remove() occurs. This both removes the element from the DOM, and destroys the scope to which it is attached. This will result in your ng-click being de-registered.

Unfortunately (as of last time I checked), element.detach() also destroys scope, so your best bet is to compile and append the element to body only once. After this you can use and element.hide() to show and hide the modal. Alternatively you can recompile the modal each time you want to show it.

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