Play Framework. Routes. Error: "not enough arguments for method at..."


There are my routes. Second one is commented.

GET         /assets/*file"/public", file)

#GET         /partials/*file"/public/partials", file)

( What I want is: to make my html files that are located inside "/public/partials" folder to be available through the web, same way as it's made for assets )

As soon as I uncomment 2nd line - it will get errors due to this line (from my index.scala.html):

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href=""stylesheets/main.css")">

Error is like here:

not enough arguments for method at: (path: String, file: String)play.api.mvc.Call. Unspecified value parameter file.

Q: What's wrong?


Another words: I want to make my url shorter by providing that mapping. Otherwise I have to use this url: 'assets/partials/welcome.html' instead of that one (that I would like to use): 'partials/welcome.html'.

Just one more mapping that would make my urls shorter.

It make sense when I need to reach those from JS part, it's like having two applications in one ( one, 2. js one), there too routings, two roots. For JS one I'm assuming that I'm already in /public (or in assets) - this is a root for js app.

And I wonder why it doesn't work.


From the play docs:

Reverse routing for public assets

As for any controller mapped in the routes file, a reverse controller is created in controllers.routes.Assets. You use this to reverse the URL needed to fetch a public resource. For example, from a template:

<script src=""javascripts/jquery.js")"></script>

This will produce the following result:

<script src="/assets/javascripts/jquery.js"></script>

Note that we don’t specify the first folder parameter when we reverse the route. This is because our routes file defines a single mapping for the action, where the folder parameter is fixed. So it doesn’t need to be specified explicitly.

However, if you define two mappings for the action, like this:

GET  /javascripts/*file"/public/javascripts", file)
GET  /images/*file   "/public/images", file)

Then you will need to specify both parameters when using the reverse router:

<script src=""/public/javascripts", "jquery.js")"></script>
<image src=""/public/images", "logo.png")">

Any static html in the public/partials directory would be publicly available at /assets/partials/someHtml.html. So strictly speaking, you don't need the /partials/*file route

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