Using Visual Studio code, coding, how can I start my program then enter debug mode?


I need to make my development portable, I'm mostly used to just using excel as a vba IDE but I started making the switch to visual studio big edition

Unfortunately, installing VS big edition is far too heavy to ask of random IT departments wherever I go so I need to go portable, I'm switching to VS code

Lots of things are different but I miss this feature dearly, perhaps it is not in VS code at all ?

In well, VB6 IDE I could hit F5 and it would compile my exe and run it Then at any time I could his CTRL+BREAK to drop in debut mode.

I could see, what line was presently executing, I could move the cursor to a different place in the code. I could even edit the code, at least -some- things. I could hit F8 to execute only one step of code and I'm sure there were tons more feature to that debugger that I never learned (something about watch variables ?) oh yeah, and there was a console that I could just type code into and it would just execute it like it was part of the code like

print myvalue 


 getsession.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0

It was wonderful, can I get this in VS Code ?

thanks !

Viggo Lundén

Visual Studio Code uses extensions to support debugging of different programming languages:

However, if you're coding in VB, I highly suggest installing Visual Studio instead. It's worth the hassle.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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