MySQL subquery fetch only latest value from JOIN table


I have the following MySQL query. The user_extra table can return multiple values for a given user_id. I would like only the latest a.session_date value from user_extra.

SELECT DISTINCT (user_id) user_id, a.value  
 FROM user_reg ap 
 JOIN user_extra a USING (user_id) 
WHERE ap.session_date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-06-10' AND a.session_date<='2017-01-01'

Any ideas how I can do this?

D. Pareek
select ap.user_id, ap1.value
from user_reg ap
inner join (
    select user_id, max(session_date) as MaxDate, value
    from user_extra 
    group by user_id
) ap1 on ap.user_id = ap1.user_id and = ap1.MaxDate

It will give maximum session date for single user id.

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