Is this Python code equivalent of Java code?


I'm fairly new to Python so please bear with me.

This is the Java code:

public static int countDeafRats(final String town) {
    String t = town.replaceAll(" ","");
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < t.length() ; i+=2) 
        if (t.charAt(i) == 'O') count++;
    return count;

This is my attempt to translate it to Python:

def count_deaf_rats(town):
    count = 0
    increment = 0
    newTown = town.replace(" ", "")
    while increment <= len(newTown):
        if newTown[increment]=='O':
            count +=1
            increment +=2
    return count

I didn't use for loop in Python since I don't how to increment by 2, so as the title says, would this be an acceptable translation?

Edit, sample input: ~O~O~O~OP~O~OO~


It appears that you are trying to find the number of zeroes in the string that occur at indices incremented by 2. You can use regex and list comprehensions in Python:

import re

new_town = re.sub("\s+", '', town)

count = sum(i == "0" for i in new_town[::2])

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