Convert if statement to ternary operator


I tried to convert these if statement to ternary:

var eatsPlants = false;
var eatsAnimals = true;

      return 'herbivore';
    }else if(eatsAnimals){
      return 'carnivore';
    }else if(eatsPlants && eatsAnimals){
    return 'omnivore';
     return undefined;

Here's my solution:

var category = eatsPlants && eatsAnimals ? "omnivore" : "herbivore" : "carnivore" : undefined;


But this doesnt work and it returns the error missing semicolon.

Any idea how to fix it?


You should add the remaining if conditions too

var category = eatsPlants && eatsAnimals ? "omnivore" : eatsPlants? "herbivore" : eatsAnimals? "carnivore" : undefined;


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