Make embedded YouTube Playlist start at random index


I've been searching for a way to make my embedded playlist start with a random video.

This is what I tried:

<iframe src="<?php print(rand(1,11)) ?>?rel=0&autoplay=1&showinfo=0&controls=0&authide=0&iv_load_policy=3&?modestbranding=1" frameborder="0"  allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sadly, this does not work for some reason. Neither did it with echo. Other solutions (as well few on stackoverflow did not work either. Any ideas?


Got it. This works:


        var videos = ["", ""];
        window.onload = function () {
            var playerDiv = document.getElementById("random_player");
            var player = document.createElement("IFRAME");
            var randomVideoUrl = videos[Math.floor(Math.random() * videos.length)];
            player.setAttribute('width', '640');
            player.setAttribute('height', '390');
            player.setAttribute('src', randomVideoUrl);

    <div id="random_player" />


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