How can I unit test for a stack overflow in my factorial function?


I made a factorial function in Racket, which needs to be unit tested for passing passing a very large number that would catch an overflow exception. If the exception is caught, the test should pass, and vice versa. Here is my code.

#lang racket

(provide recursive_factorial)
(provide tail_factorial)

(define (recursive_factorial number)
 (cond [(= 0 number) 1]
       [(negative? number) (raise-argument-error 'recursive_factorial "negative?" number)]
       [(*  number (recursive_factorial (- number 1)))]))

(define (tail_factorial number accumulator)

 (cond[( = number 0 ) accumulator]
      [(negative? number) accumulator (raise-argument-error 'tail_factorial  "negative?" number accumulator)]
      [(tail_factorial (- number 1) (* accumulator number ))]

And here is my attempt to unit test it.

(check-not-exn (λ () (recursive_factorial(100000000)))"stack overflow")
 (check-not-exn (λ () (tail_factorial(100000000)))"stack overflow")

With much help I was able to get a negative condition to work. Any help is appreciated.


Your function returns -1 when number is negative. So shouldn't the test be:

(check-equal? (recursive_factorial -4) -1)


How about:

 #lang racket
 (provide recursive_factorial)
 (define (recursive_factorial number)
  (cond [(= 0 number)       1]
        [(negative? number) (error 'recursive_factorial
                                   "Cannot pass a negative number")]
        [else               (*  number (recursive_factorial (- number 1)))]))

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