update a column of numbers from value to (value * 1.3)


I want to update a columns("B") of numbers to +30%
I know I have solutions like a VBA "Loop" or an ADODB "UPDATE Query", But for some reason I can only use Excel Formula.
So, I wrote VBA code like

Columns("B").FormulaLocal = "=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(), COLUMN()))*1.3"  

And I got all "0" in Columns("B"). I know the formula may case "circular reference" problem, but is there a way to calculate "*1.3" only once?...Thx


You can use PasteSpecial to multiple the values.

enter image description here

Sub DirtyUpdate()

    Dim temp As Variant

    With Range("A1")
        temp = .Value
        .Value = 1.3
        Intersect(Columns("B"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, _
                           Operation:=xlMultiply, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        .Value = temp
    End With

End Sub

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