Timeout function if it takes too long


Forgive me, I am a newbie. I've surveyed some solution. But it is so hard for me to understand and to modify that. (Or maybe there is no solution in line with my imagination?). And I hope it can work on Ubuntu & Win7.

There is an example like this.

import random,time

def example():
    while random.randint(0,10) != 1:
    print "down"


And my imagination is...

If, the example() run over 10s, then rerun the example() again. (And maybe there is a place I can code anything else. Like I want to record the timeout event on TXT, and I can code the code at that place.) Else, do nothing.

Is it possible to do that?


You can run a watch-dog in a separate thread that interrupts the main thread (that runs example) when it exceeds the time limit. Here is a possible implementation, with timeout lowered to 3s for ease of debugging:

import time, threading, thread

def watchdog_timer(state):
    if not state['completed']:

def run_example():
    while True:
        state = {'completed': False}
        watchdog = threading.Thread(target=watchdog_timer, args=(state,))
        watchdog.daemon = True
            state['completed'] = True
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # this would be the place to log the timeout event

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