PROLOG Print numbers that end in 7 and the sum of its digits is greater than 100

Brian Daniel García

I need to make a predicate that receives a numeric list and print only the numbers that end in 7 and that the sum of its digits is greater than 100

I made the predicates for separated but I need help making a union of the two predicates, I mean that the two predicates go into one only predicate, this is what I did so far:

%sum of digits greater than 100
0 is X mod 100
multi(P), sum(Q,Z1), Z is P + Z1.
not multi(P), sum(Q,Z).

%print the numbers that end in 7
7 is Y mod 10.
end(P),write(P), nl, listend(Q).
not(end(P)), listend(Q).

This works for me:

?- filter([147, 24, 57, 17, 3667], X), write(X), nl, fail.

sumdigits(0, 0).
sumdigits(X, Z) :-
    X > 0,
    Z1 is X mod 10, 
    X2 is X // 10,
    sumdigits(X2, Z2), 
    Z is Z1 + Z2.

filter([], []).
filter([H|X], [H|Y]) :-
    sumdigits(H, D),
    D > 10,
    7 is H mod 10, !,
    filter(X, Y).
filter([_|X], Y) :- filter(X, Y).

I get:

[147, 57, 3667]

I assumed you meant that the sum of the digits was greater than 10, rather than 100.

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