Angularjs Update Scope variable within setTimeout not working

Ronny vdb

I have an array that will contain many commands that I send to an external application.

$scope.commandLog = [{"id":"1", "time":"12.02.2015 20:05:20.606","command":"cmd1", "status":"idle"},
                    {"id":"2", "time":"12.02.2015 20:05:20.606","command":"cmd2", "status":"idle"},
                    {"id":"3", "time":"12.02.2015 20:05:20.606","command":"cmd3", "status":"idle"},
                    {"id":"4", "time":"12.02.2015 20:05:44.162","command":"cmd4", "status":"idle"},
                    {"id":"5", "time":"12.02.2015 20:05:44.162","command":"cmd5", "status":"success"},
                    {"id":"6", "time":"12.02.2015 20:05:44.162","command":"cmd6", "status":"idle"},
                    {"id":"7", "time":"13.02.2015 12:05:52.181","command":"cmd7", "status":"idle"},
                    {"id":"8", "time":"13.02.2015 12:05:52.181","command":"cmd8", "status":"idle"}]

I am looping over the array, and set a delay before the next loop begins. This is working fine.

for (var i = 0; i < $scope.commandLog.length; i++)

        (function(index) {
            setTimeout(function() {

               // DO STUFF HERE

            }, i * 2000);


I want to change the status of the object at the current array index like so:

$scope.commandLog[index].status = 'active';

I have a table that shows the commands and their status

<table class="table table-hover">
    <tr ng-repeat="cmd in commandLog" ng-class="cmd.status" ng-attr-id="{{ 'command-' + }}">
      <td>  <span class="btn btn-primary"  ng-click="sendCommand(cmd.command)"><i class="fa fa-play"></i></span></td>

The problem is that the cell <td>{{cmd.status}}</td>is not updating to "active" even though when I write the object to the console, I do see that the status is set to active.

If I run the code without the delay, just the for loop, it does work.

JSFiddle with the complete code:

I would really appreciate it if someone could explain what I am doing wrong. TIA


Your code inside the setTimeout function is running outside of angular world.

To let angular know about changes you made to your data, either call $scope.$apply() or use the $timeout service.

Check this plunker

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