Change histogram to curve in Matlab but not "fit"


I am using matlab to process data to get a radius distribution function. Now I get data(an array) of different distances of other atoms to 1 specific atom. I used the "hist" command (hist(radius1,400)) and get a histogram:

But what I want is a curve, like this:

I tried some fit command, but it would give me a normal-distribution-like curve, which is not what I want. actually no fit is fine, I only want a curve to show its varying.

The raw data was a 4000*1 array of radius, is there any other way to get a curve of the top of each bar of the histogram?

Thanks so much.


Instead of automatically plotting a histogram using hist, you can get it to output the values:

[x, c] = hist(radius1,400);

x is the data in each bin, c the centre of each bin, so this replicates a histogram and then overplots a line on it (which will just connect the top of each bar so it may not look as smooth as you hoped):

hold on

It is possible to use fit with an anonymous function as a custom model, but that may be overkill in this situation.

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