How to list user installed applications (not packages)?


Not packages and not all applications. Just the applications user installed by himself from whatever source (Software Center, manually added PPA, etc.).

If the above is not possible - a list of all installed applications or at least a GUI which lists the applications so I can take screenshots of it.

I've read a dozen of similar questions and people posting answers usually don't even get close to OP question merit. Please note that my question includes 'user installed'.

Answer: It is not currently possible in Ubuntu Linux. (choosing tijybba's answer as the closest one though)


You can actually use the Ubuntu Software Centre, as shown in the screenshot here:

Ubuntu Software Center: "Installed"-menu

Also you can see it in Synaptic Bottom left list selections.

By cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ && cat *.list you will get list of all repositories in your system.

You can also you Y PPA manager to backup and update your repositories.

Second Method

[Since this method involves installing all the packages , but if we think that newly Installed OS will already have those 90 % packages , so it will ignore the present ones and install the new manually added ones , which will be only your manually installed applications]

This method from here.

sudo dpkg --get-selections > installed-applications.txt

it will generate a list of installed applications in txt file in home folder.

To use this file to install the same applications you will have to do ( But before this please also add all the Third party Repositories as was present in older one)

sudo dpkg --set-selections < installed-applications.txt
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade

This is also possible through Gui way

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/mintbackup && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mintbackup

enter image description here

I guess image almost speaks itself, backup your selection, then in New installation restore it.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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