maven-dependency-plugin:unpack Error


I'm trying to extract some .exe files from a dependency jar file and put them under ${}/classes/.

But when I execute:

mvn clean compile dependency:unpack

I get:

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:unpack (default-cli) on project simple: Either artifact or artifactItems is required -> [Help 1

I have verified that the dependencies are available in my local repository.

In my example pom below I've used junit as an example, but no matter which dependency I list, I get the same error.


King Midas

The issue is due to you cannot use mvn clean compile dependency:unpack and <executions> tags together.

In documentation Maven Depdendency Plugin at the bottom part of the page you can read:

If you intend to configure this mojo for execution on the command line using: mvn dependency:unpack you must not put the configuration inside the executions tag. Your configuration should look like this:

              <groupId>[ groupId ]</groupId>
              <artifactId>[ artifactId ]</artifactId>
              <version>[ version ]</version>
              <type>[ packaging ]</type>
              <classifier> [classifier - optional] </classifier>
              <overWrite>[ true or false ]</overWrite>
              <outputDirectory>[ output directory ]</outputDirectory>
              <destFileName>[ filename ]</destFileName>
              <includes>[ comma separated list of file filters ]</includes>
              <excludes>[ comma separated list of file filters ]</excludes>
          <!-- other configurations here -->

I have tried removing the <execution> tags and works perfectly!

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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