Validating decimal scale in Ruby on Rails


I'm new to Ruby on Rails. I have the following model:

class Logo < ApplicationRecord
  validates :name, presence: true,  length: { maximum: 255 }
  validates :price, presence: true, 
    numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }

  validates :stitch_count, presence: true,
    numericality: { greater_than: 0, only_integer: true }

Every logo has a price. I want to validate the scale of the price. It must accept the following: [10.44, 12.1, 16] and reject the following: [10.123, 13.11111, 16.123], as these are obviously not valid prices. I've tried validating by format using the following regex: /\A\d+(?:\.\d{0,2})?\z/, which, according to another poster on Stack Overflow, validates for at most 2 decimal places. It doesn't work. Another poster on Stack Overflow pointed out that the number of decimal places only matters when the value is a string, and that by the time the validator runs, it's no longer a string. His suggestions, as well as a few more, don't work. So how would I run a regex on a decimal? You would think Rails would have something to validate if a number is a valid price or not.

I run the following test:

  def setup
    @logo = "ASG Security", price: 12, stitch_count: 15000, note: "Ali")

  test "price scale must be less than 2" do
    @logo.price = 14.995
    assert_not @logo.valid?

You could use the money gem, which I've used, or maybe try this rails wrapper for it which provides premade money validations.

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